3D Printed Wind-Tunnel
One of our project partners – Majaczech, z.s. just published 3D printed wind tunnel used for calibrating velocity measurement instruments and live data logging. All parts were printed on a 3D printer. An Arduino Uno electronic platform is used to build the control unit with a capacity to measure a velocity ranging from 0 m/s – 5 m/s is used to calibrate a Rev.P hot-wire anemometer. Now you can use your own wind tunnel for education purposes and research in fire engineering. Development of this equipment is motivated by sharing and increasing access of research tools and methods independently on expensive equipment which we wish will allows increase progress and development in fire engineering and fire safety. In order to safely built and operate the testing apparatus, experience with Arduino platform is required and supervision from a qualified electric engineering professional. The wind tunnel is developed in cooperation between Majaczech,…
2nd Transnational Poject Meeting
The first meeting of partners at the same table was held from 20th to 22nd September 2021. We were hosted by Majaczech in Central Firefighting School in Bílé Poličany.The meeting was not intended only for reviewing the scope of work performed, coordination and planning of work in the future, as it is usually at the meetings of partners management teams, but also for substantive discussions. During the meeting, we have visited the fire school, one of two in the Czech Republic. The tour was given by Martin Čižek, the director of the fire school.