
Faculty of civil and geodetic engineering, University of Ljubljana
University of Ljubljana (UL) is the oldest, largest, and internationally best-ranked university in Slovenia, being among the top 500 universities according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities Shanghai ranking (ARWU). The university was founded in 1919 and encompasses 23 faculties, 3 art academies, and 3 associated members.
In terms of the number of students, UL ranks among the largest HEI in Europe with more than 40.000 students. In terms of the number of employees, UL ranks as medium sized HEI and employs approximately 6.000 employees, with more than 3.500 academic staff. Study programmes at UL cover all ISCED areas in the first and second cycle study programmes and leads the way in some new developments in technology and research (cognitive science, nanotechnologies, environmental sciences, biomedicine, etc.).
SZPV - Slovensko združenje za požarno varstvo
The Slovenian Fire Protection Association / Slovensko združenje za požarno varstvo (SZPV) was established in 1993, by a group of individuals, representatives from companies and institutions, committed to work in the field of fire protection, with a goal to raise the level of fire safety. SZPV is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, with a status of the organization acting in the public interest on the national level.
A lot of work is done by members on voluntary basis, since there is no regular income by the state. SZPV started to work on European projects in 2017 with project FIRESKILLS (ERASMUS+ project with leading partner from Turkey, ended in 2019), and FIREEXPERT (Interreg Slovenia-Austria project with leading partner from Austria, ended in October 2020)


UNIZG FCE - Faculty of Civil Engineering, The University of Zagreb
The University of Zagreb (1669) is the oldest university in South-Eastern Europe. With 29 Faculties, 3 Art Academies and the University Centre for Croatian Studies it is the flagship educational institution in the country, a place where more than 7900 teachers and 72480 students develop knowledge and acquire skills. The University excels not only in teaching, but also in research, contributing with over 50 percent to the annual research output in Croatia and 80 percent of scientific productivity of all Croatian universities. It has memberships in many networks and international associations as: AUF, CASEE, DRC, EAU, IAU, RCAA, SEFI, UNICA etc. UNIZG FCE (the beneficiary of the proposed project leader), established in 1919. With 196 employees is today the largest civil engineering faculty in Croatia.
Inspekting, d.o.o
Inspekting Ltd., Zagreb, Croatia, is specialized company which has been providing fire protection engineering services more than 25 years. The field of activity of the company includes fire protection design, which includes the use of engineering methods, construction supervision in the field of implementation of designed measures and fire protection systems, consultancy services in this area, the preparation of fire safety assessments and studies, the development of safety at work elaborates etc. During its existence, the company has successfully participated in about 2300 domestic and international projects for which it has designed projects (studies) on fire and safety at work, buildings for almost all purposes (residential, industrial, sports, hotel, commercial, airport, etc.). The area of work is predominantly Croatia, but the company has also worked on international projects in China, Algeria, Qatar, Kazakhstan.


Faculty of Safety Engineering, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava
VSB – Technical University of Ostrava draws on 170 years of research and academic excellence to provide world class education in 7 Faculties offering Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD, and exchange programmes to students from six continents. State of the art research facilities, cooperation with leading companies, and partnerships with universities and research institutions the world over provide excellent opportunities for student, teachers, and researchers alike.
Faculty of Safety Engineering at the VSB Technical University of Ostrava provides higher education and research in areas of fire safety protection, crisis management, health and safety and security.
Majaczech, z.s.
Majaczech is a non-profit organisation, doing research, training and guidelines, mainly in area of fire prevention and repression on national and international level. It associates experts in the field and stakeholders and offer its services to both, private and public organisations. For its members and clients it provides consultancy. In 2019, for example: experimental research on material fire properties of hazardous materials, review of more than 20 national regulation systems of building fire prevention or developing fire risk and hazard assessment for UN development programme.
Majaczech is a Czech member of European confederation of national fire protection associations CFPA-Europe, actively joining meetings and discussions. Outside Europe it cooperates on education matters with the US organisations, such as NFPA, WPI, New York University.