Skilled to be Fire Expert

Workshop in Ostrava

4th International Workshop in Ostrava

WHEN / Kdy

8 / 9 / 2022

where / KDE

VSB - TEchnical University of OStrava

Registration / Registrace

Workshop Agenda / Harmonogram (PDF)

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Presentation of hosting organization,VSB – Technical University of Ostrava

Introduction of the project SKILLED TO BE A FIRE EXPERT by project leader (Prof Marija Rukavina)

Module 1: Fire Risk assessment
Anita Ogrin, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Module 2: Prevention of spreading the fire to adjacent buildings and on facade
Milan Hajdukovič, SZPV, Slovenia

Module 3: Fire resistance of structures and prevention of spread of fire inside the building
Anita Ogrin, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Module 4: Evacuation
Marija Rukavina, University of Zagreb, Coratia

Module 5: Fire detection and alarm systems
Kamila Kempna, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic

Module 6: Smoke control
Antonia Tarle, Inspekting, Croatia

Module 7: Automatic fire extinguishing systems
Kamila Kempna, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic

Module 8: Firefighting features
Jan Smolka, Majaczech, Czech Republic

Learning Methods in Fire Safety
Prof Pavel Danihelka, Occupational Safety Research Institute, Czech Republic

BIM methods in fire safety engineering
Érces Gergő, Rácz Sándor, Institute of Disaster Management, Hungary

Discussion and Conclusion

Hosting organization / pořádající organizace

Project partners / Projektoví partneři

with support of / za podpory

Ústřední hasičská škola – Bílé Poličany