Skilled to be Fire Expert

Workshop in Prague

3rd International Workshop - Prague

WHEN / Kdy

9 am, 27 / 6 / 2022

where / KDE

Budova ČVTS, Novotného lávka 5, Praha 1

Registration / Registrace

End of registration: 21 / 6 / 2022

The workshop has limited number of seats for 40 persons

Workshop Agenda / Harmonogram (PDF)

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Introduction of the project SKILLED TO BE A FIRE EXPERT by project leader

Presentation of hosting organization, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava

Module 1: Fire Risk assessment
Prof Tomaž Hozjan, University of Ljubljana

Module 2: Prevention of spreading the fire to adjacent buildings and on facade
Prof Tomaž Hozjan, University of Ljubljana

Module 3: Fire resistance of structures and prevention of spread of fire inside the building
Prof Davor Skejic, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Module 4: Evacuation
Tomislav Sčapec, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Module 5: Fire detection and alarm systems
Kamila Kempna, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic

Module 6: Smoke control
Antonia Tarle, Inspekting, Croatia

Module 7: Automatic fire extinguishing systems
Kamila Kempna, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic

Module 8: Firefighting features
Jan Smolka, Majaczech, Czech Republic

Learning Methods in Fire Safety
Prof Pavel Danihelka, Occupational Safety Research Institute, Czech Republic

Discussion and Conclusion

Hosting organization / pořádající organizace

under the auspices / Pod záštitou

Project partners / Projektoví partneři

with support of / za podpory

Ústřední hasičská škola – Bílé Poličany